Saturday, March 23, 2013

Oh How God Loves You

Oh, how He loves you and me; oh, how He loves you and me:
He gave His life; what more could He give?
Oh, how He loves you; oh, how He loves me;
Oh, how He loves you and me.

Jesus to Calvary did go; His love for mankind to show
He gave His life; what more could He give?
Oh, how He loves you; oh, how He loves me;
Oh, how He loves you and me.

I can't remember all the words to this hymn, but you get the idea. Not only does God love you; He also loves your children—even more than you do. When our children are murdered, gunned down at school or on the street, Jesus is there watching and weeping. Could He have prevented the tragedy? Yes. If God wanted to force people to love Him, He would have made us all robots who have no choice, no freedom. Even the angels have choices. That's why one third of them followed Satan in revolt and were cast out of heaven to become demons. But because loves us enough to give us a free will, it is against His nature to impose His will on those who would do evil.

I've done this before on this web page, but the tragedy of those precious little school children in Delaware has been on my heart and mind for days. My heart aches for those parents. Remember the song, "Jesus Loves The Little Children." No one loves them more than God. It is my sincere belief that every one of those precious little ones are now safe in the arms of Jesus.

It is natural for a grieving parent to think of all the things they will never get to experience with that child. It is natural to think of all of things you'll never get to hear them say or see them do. God understands your heartache and grief. It's why Jesus promised He would never leave you or forsake you. He knew this was coming. He was grieving with you before it happened.

So instead of dwelling on what you won't have with that precious little one, think of what God saved him or her from. That child will never be molested by a teacher, scout leader, or anyone else. That child will never suffer bullying, never take drugs, never be an extortioner, or corrupt business executive. They may not have been anyway, but you don't know the outside influences that would have brought great harm to your child in later years. God knew. God knows our beginning from our end. I am NOT happy that you lost your children. Please don't read this in that context. But perhaps God was protecting your child from a worse fate. Perhaps He was sparing you from greater heartache.

Let God comfort you through His word, through the caring love of others. Even though Jesus knew He would raise Lazarus from the dead, still He wept for the grief of Lazarus's sisters and friends, maybe even for His own grief. After all, Lazarus was like a brother to Jesus.

Scripture admonishes us to "let the peace of God dwell in your hearts richly." God wants to heal your broken heart. Allowing the healing to take place doesn't mean you love your children any less. It doesn't mean you forget about them. Of course, you never will. You will love that child until your dying breath. But if you want to see your child again, you must accept the peace and comfort that God offers. You must accept His free gift of salvation or your eternity will not be spent with that precious little one. Teach your other children to love and trust God so all of you can meet again in eternity. God bless.

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