Thursday, June 30, 2011

What Is Your Plan For Their Future?

by Aleta Kay
    We live in a world of extremes: "and they lived happily ever after," and single mother homes where the woman is the chief commander who doesn’t need a man. The purpose of a man in these times seems to be primarily to fulfill a woman’s biological need to have children. Once the children come along, like the common house cat, the man is disposable.
    A recent statistic said that only 47% of our society today is married. Everyone is living together or "hooking up" when they feel the desire. Domestic violence is on the rise, children are being killed by significant others, it seems on a daily basis. These are not the product of simply more people in the world. This is the consequence of things being out of balance and out of God’s will.
    What do you want for your children? What are you teaching them by your example? Are you teaching them that the only things of value in this world are: 1)themselves, 2)a good education, and 3)a good job? I promise you that is the message they will get when there is a parade of significant others in their lives, no permanent relationship between adults, and a mom who will put that child in danger by leaving it with someone who may cause harm.
    That child will grow up, if it survives childhood, thinking it must take care of itself because the adults are unable or unwilling to take the responsibility. That child will grow up not having any happiness in a relationship because it has been taught by example that love (including that of the parent) is temporary and all of life is based on feelings alone.
    Young mother, do what you will, but think about the legacy you are leaving your child. Be careful who you allow to become the father of your children. Don’t allow your feelings to control your actions. You will be one of those women who will have a parade of men, a string of children who may or may not get to know their fathers, and who will grow up trusting no one but themselves. They will have a right to cry, "It’s not fair!"

Monday, June 27, 2011

Can Your Husband Trust You?

by Aleta Kay

    Proverbs 31:10-11 says, "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband does safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil (lack of gain)." What does that mean?
    The world, our society has its own idea of what a woman should be like. In the world’s eyes we are to dress for success, be in style. Ever since the 60's the attitude has been, "If you’ve got it, flaunt it." But ask those worldly women if they think Christian women should "let it all hang out." A few will say yes; the majority will say no.
    The message we give the world with our dress should match what we say with our lives and our words. Our manner of dress should leave our husbands with the certainty we want attention from no other man but them. Our dress outside of home should be modest, neat and clean.
    If we walk out of the house to go to work or to spend time with our friends, or wherever we may be going, people should be able to see a godly example. One of my Christian friends recently has begun dressing like a single woman. She said she wants to be sexy. She is married. Sexy should be reserved for the privacy of her own home. I mentioned as gently as I could that she should be more modest. She said Jesus wants her to look good.
    Let’s examine that with scripture. Proverbs 31:17 says she girds her loins with strength. Verse 22 says she makes herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple. Verse 25 says strength and honor are her clothing. Verse 30 says favor (popularity) is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman that fears the Lord shall be praised. I Peter 3:3 (talking to Christian women) says, "Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair and of wearing of gold or putting on of apparel..."
    If you want to be pleasing to God and your husband, be modest and careful not to draw attention from other men. Give your husband a reason to trust you. You’ll be glad you did.

Check Your Image

by Aleta Kay

    There seems to be an epidemic of depression these days. The economy is in the garbage heap; jobs are hard to find, prices of almost everything are going up; and the family stress is at an all-time high.
    As everything around you seems to get harder, do you find yourself looking in the mirror and wondering who you are? Do you wonder if you are even worthy to function as a human being? Are you comparing yourself and/or your situation with someone else’s and feel that you just don’t measure up?
    I understand. I’ve been there before and it is just about the worst place to be in your spirit. There is no rock to crawl under, no hole to crawl into to hide until things get better. The fact is if we allow ourselves to pull into our proverbial shells and hide things will never get better. Tough times require action.
    The best action we can take is to put everything in God’s hands. I Peter 5:6, 7 says, "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you." If you read on through verse ten you will see that Satan’s plan is to bring and keep you down. However, if you approach God in prayer, ask forgiveness for your doubting, worrying, and lack of faith, He will take care of you and all your problems. Philippians 4:9 says, "but my God shall provide all of your needs (not wants) according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
    Accept God’s evaluation of yourself. He created you on purpose, with a plan for your life. All you have to do is follow. I’m not saying your life will be perfect. If we never have a problem we’ll never be able to experience his greatness for ourselves. He died on a cross for your sins and mine, willingly, so we could have fellowship with him once we have received his forgiveness for our sins. You’ve already tried handling everything on your own and you’re miserable. What have you got to lose by trusting God? If he lets you down (he won’t) you’ve lost nothing. You’re still in the same miserable shape. What are you waiting for?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Courtroom

by Aleta Kay

     I was sitting next to my attorney. The courtroom was packed with so many people I couldn't count them all. There was a large screen showing a video of my life. Where had it come from? Who had recorded it? How in the world did they get it? Everything I had ever done was out in the open for the whole world to see, so it seemed.
    Nothing was hidden. The lies I had told. My temper tantrums, my rage as I hurt people I loved. There were things too embarrassing to mention yet they were right there on display. I hung my head in shame. I couldn't watch. This was total humiliation. It was like standing naked in a crowd of people who wanted to kill you.
    The bystanders began to shout out that I should be killed. I deserved to die. They were right. I was guilty. How could I please otherwise? The evidence was right there.
    TheJudge called for silence and everyone calmed down. Their turns were coming after mine. One by one we would all stand accused before this great Judge.
    When the video stopped the Judge looked right into my eyes and, knowing there was nothing I could say in my defense, pronounced me guilty, worthy of death. He said, "Your heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things. You must pay for your sins. I sentence you to..."
    My Attorney stood up and He seemed ten feet tall. He was robed in white splendor and wrapped suddenly in a brilliant aura. He looked at the Judge and said, "Excuse me, Your Honor. The debt has been paid in full with my blood." Then He stretched out His hands and showed the nail prints. He pointed to the scars still on His head where the thorns had pierced through. Finally, He pointed to His feet, which until then I had noticed were bare. There were the nail prints from when He hung on that cruel cross and took my punishment.
    Friend, if you don't know Jesus Christ personally as your Lord and Savior, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven, no matter how good you think you are. If we could be good enough to get to heaven then Jesus died for nothing. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and he life. No man comes to the Father but by me." John 14:6.
    If you don't know Jesus Christ your end will be hell. Even if you don't believe in hell, are you really willing to risk your final destination on that? Once there, there is no end to suffering. It is eternal torment. It is mentioned many times in the Bible. Jesus gave us a clear example of someone who is still suffering there today. I'll tell you about him in my next blog.
    It is very easy to get to know this wonderful Savior. John 3:3 says we must be born again. We must admit that we are sinners (Romans 3:10, 23); realize that all we deserve is hell (Romans 6:23) and ask God to forgive us through the shed blood of Jesus for without the shedding of blood there is no remission (forgiveness) of sin (Hebrews 9:22). Romans 10:9, 10 tells us that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
    Won't you call on Him today. Tell him you are sorry for your sins and invite Him to be your Lord and Savior. Your life won't be perfect you will have "a friend who sticks closer than a brother," who is there 24/7 and is never too tired or busy to listen. He wants to be your best friend and closest confidante. Also, He has all the answers to life's problems (found in the Bible). Let me know what you decide. More in next blog.
    Aleta Kay